Kansas Future Fellows

Foresight and innovation with a purpose

Kansas Future Fellows

...imagine—and act on—leading-edge strategies today that inspire Kansas children and families to dream and thrive in the future.

Future Fellows is a unique program developed by the University of Kansas Center for Public Partnerships and Research (CPPR).

We need new skills for a new day

Why We Need Future Fellows

Hope. If we’ve learned anything from our current environment, it’s that time marches on whether we’re ready or not. The future is unlimited – a myriad of choices with influencers yet unknown and often out of our control. It’s a struggle to pick a direction, adapt quickly, and prevail as we challenge ourselves to ensure that every child can thrive today and in every tomorrow.

Future Fellows succeed because we’re better together. We collaborate to achieve connections that make certain Kansas is an exceptional place to do business and raise a family.

Graphic illustration of the great engagement and great undoing in Kansas including wellness, workforce, education and community

Empowering Imagination and Innovation

Hope drives us. We hope to lead the change we want to see for the future, and more importantly, we hope to uplift and mobilize those around us to also engage in this charge.

We aspire to be a powerful catalyst for leading a reawakening and reconnection within and between communities across Kansas . . . what we call The Great Engagement.

2023-2024 Kansas Future Fellows

Sara is smiling, wearing a brown top and a gold necklace.

Sara Arnberger

Great Bend Economic Development, Inc.
Jay is smiling, wearing glasses and a blue dress jacket over a light colored shirt.

Jay Bohanan

American Academy of Family Physicians
Shalese poses in front of a purple backdrop. She is smiling, wearing glasses, large hoop earrings, and a grey cardigan.

Shalese Clay

Thirty Eight Solution, LLC

2023-2024 R2

Ashley smiles in front of an off-white background, wearing a black blazer over a pleated white shirt.

Ashley Comeau

Jeter Turner Sook Baxter, LLP
Laura is smilng, wearing a black top with a bright colored floral design.

Laura Evins

District Early Childhood Coordinator
USD 252 Southern Lyon County
Kari smiles, wearing a bright maroon blazer over a blue floral shirt.

Kari Mailloux

Director of Strategic Initiatives
Hutchinson Community Foundation
Ayaan stands smiling outside on a tree-lined street, wearing a black suit and blue tie.

Ayaan Parikh

Founder and Executive Director
Medic All

2023-2024 R3

Kate in black and white, smiling at the camera wearing a black top, necklaces and a nosering.

Kate Van Steenhuyse

Assistant Director
Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission
Derek stands outside with trees in the background, wearing a blue blazer, light blue shirt and a purple patterned tie.

Derek Ramos

Assistant City Manager
City of Garden City
Fred, with a shaved head and gray goatee, wears glasses, a black suit and red tie.

Fred Van Ranken

Newton Public Schools USD 373
University of Kansas Center for Public Partnerships and Research

2022-2023 Kansas Future Fellows

Jennifer has light brown hair pulled back, wearing a blue shirt with a gray cardigan standing in front of a green background.

Jennifer Adhima

Executive Director
Kansas Head Start Association
Seth is smiling directly into the camera wearing a blue suit with a plaid tie.

Seth Carter

Colby Community College
Ernestor is smiling and wearing a gray suit with a yellow tie.

Ernestor De La Rosa

Regional Manager
ITC Holdings Corp.
Jen stands outside, wearting a jacket embroidered with her organization's name.

Jennifer Hale

Operations Manager
Midwest Native Coalition for Justice and Peace

2022-2023 Kansas Future Fellows r2

Valerie has long dark wavy hair, glasses and is wearing a coral top.

Valerie Ohlrogge

Patient Resource Director
Citizens Health
Elizabeth has dark wavy hair is wearing a tan sweater and is standing outside.

Elizabeth Ramirez

Community Animator Network Program Director
Neighboring Movement
David has dark hair and a beard is wearing a white collared shirt and is in front of a bright yellow background.

David Sotelo

Human Relations Officer
City of Hutchinson
Logan has brown hair and a beard is wearing glasses and is standing in front of a brick wall.

Logan C Stenseng

Policy & Strategic Initiatives Coordinator
Thrive Allen County

2022-2023 Kansas Future Fellows r3

Leah has short brown hair is wearing glasses and wearing a red top in front of a beige background.

Leah Wisdom

Director of Instruction and Professional Development
USD 497
Mike has dark hair and a gray beard is wearing glasses and formal police uniform in front of an American and Kansas flag.

Mike Yoder

Lieutenant of Investigations
Newton Police Department
University of Kansas Center for Public Partnerships and Research
All In for Kansas Kids

2021-2022 Kansas Future Fellows

Inaugural Cohort
CPPR’s unique program provides opportunities for statewide change around issues affecting children and their families.
Craig has dark hair in a dark suit with a yellow tie.

Craig Correll

USD 445 Coffeyville
Tatiana is wearing glasses and a yellow sweater.

Tatiana Darby

Public Health Practice Researcher
University of Kansas Medical Center
Lona has long blonde hair and is wearing a gray suit.

Lona DuVall

Finney County Economic Development Corporation

2021-2022 Kansas Future Fellows r2

Jason has red hair, a beard, and is wearing glasses and a navy suit.

Jason Gant

Lead Director, KiDSCOR Children & Family Ministry
Church of the Resurrection
Lynnette has long brown hair and is in front of a background of sunflowers.

Lynnette Keo

Program Supervisor
Native Connections Program, Kickapoo Tribe
Jennifer has long black hair and is wearing a black suit.

Jennifer Keomany

Department Manager, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita
Britany has medium length dark hair and is wearing a black jacket.

Britany Lemon

Mental Health and Disabilities Specialist
Child Start

2021-2022 Kansas Future Fellows r3

Marci has short gray hair and is wearing glasses and a black shirt.

Marci Penner

Executive Director
Kansas Sampler Foundation
Travis has short brown hair and is wearing glasses and a navy suit.

Travis Rickford

Executive Director
Livewell Northwest Kansas
Tabatha has long brown hair and is wearing a black suit with floral top

Tabatha Rosproy

Early Childhood Support Teacher
Harmony Early Childhood Center, USD 233, 2020 National Teacher of the Year
Johnathan has short dark hair and is wearing a navy suit with a pink bow tie.

Johnathan Sublet

Lead Pastor | Chairman
Fellowship Hi-Crest Church | SENT Inc.