Examining the Present and Future of Child Care in Kansas
CPPR explores solutions to longstanding challenges within the social service sector, such as the cost of child care, high staff turnover, and low wages. Expanding on our continuing examination of the child care landscape in Kansas and centering perspectives of child care providers, CPPR investigates the opportunities in future models.
"Child care providers are dedicated and hardworking. They provide an essential service to millions of families. While most providers have not chosen to work in this sector for money, they still deserve a living wage, adequate benefits, and options for ownership and professional advancement in the industry."
Examining the Present and Future of Child Care in Kansas presents the findings from a survey conducted in partnership with Capita, an independent, nonpartisan think tank with a global focus.

Key Takeaways
- Most owners/directors and providers are planning to stay in the child care industry in the next five years, but financial insecurity and burnout are concerns for both groups.
- About one in five owners/directors and one in four child care staff are not able to pay their bills every month.
- Owners/directors were asked about their willingness to sell their business to their staff to establish a worker-owned cooperative. Most said that they would be unable to sell, because the business is based in their home or because they are the sole employee. However, there may be an opportunity for owners of larger centers to sell to their staff.
- Owners/directors could benefit from, and are interested in working with other providers to cooperatively purchase services.
- Moving to a worker-owned co-op would require workers to have 1) a clear understanding of the benefits in relation to the cost of ownership and 2) significant support in developing the business skills required to run and maintain the business.